Saturday, January 5, 2013

Calvary Christian Center St. Louis Blessed Beyond Measure in 2013 From Bishop & Lady Bates and Pastors Gerald & Earnestine Liddell!

Calvary Christian Center St. Louis
P.O. Box 26052
St. Louis, MO 63136
Bishop Michael & Lady Dee Dee Bates, Overseers
Gerald & Lady Earnestine Liddell, Pastors

Office: 314.601.3628/314.718.3759(text)

Dear Member ,
A new year begins, and I reflect on 2012, I’m so amazed by all the incredible things that the Lord has done this year! The Lord truly went exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond!  

Dee Dee, Gerald, Earnestine and I want to THANK YOU so much for your faithful giving and support this year!   We are continually overwhelmed by the favor that God pours out on this ministry, and we believe as we join together with you that God has so much in store for all of us. We believe that 2013, The Year of the Harvest, will be even greater for the ministry and for you! Just as God has given the ministry favor and influence, I want you to know that He has given you the same.

My beloved, you can reign in victory, favor and influence everywhere you go! A new year brings new opportunities, new beginnings and new challenges. We not only will we begin strong, but in the coming days and months, I believe it is crucial that we finish 2012 and 2013 strong!
 Your consistent participation and support in our ongoing fundraising projects is mandatory in order to help us to continue to reach people who are hopeless and in need — around the world through television, satellite and other media with the Good News of HOPE and GRACE through Jesus Christ. 

Our goal for 2013 is to raise a minimum of $100,000 collectively with the help of our members and partners around the world.  Calvary Christian Center St. Louis, we have been assigned a great harvest in the city of St. Louis and beyond in 2013—and to whom much is given, much shall be required.  Your time and effort are your seeds, you determine what your harvest (expected end) is.  There’s nothing we can’t do when we are all on one accord!

At the beginning of each month, a fundraiser will be presented for a period of 2-3 weeks at a time.  Perhaps you have relatives and friends, and colleagues who are willing to help by collecting orders, making donations, etc.  At the end of each fundraiser, all monies are to be turned in to the designated person.  We look forward to an outstanding harvest in 2013!

Blessed Beyond Measure in 2013,
Bishop Michael & Lady Dee Dee Bates
Gerald & Earnestine Liddell

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